Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pirates Female Torture How Would A Female Pirate Have Her Hair?

How would a female pirate have her hair? - pirates female torture

I will be a cracker game tomorrow and I'm not sure how my hair. I thought maybe a few braids. What should I do?


emiri10@... said...

If your hair long and curly, then not only put a little so it does not frizzy or no brush. You want dirty. A girl pirate hair? I do not know: p

If you do not try hair long and curly, giving the appearance of Shaggy. It is especially useful if your hair is layered. Since he could not recover, then bring the product to make it look like you are big ... If you understand what I say. I'm probably only make sense to me ^ ^;

If it short ... I've never had short hair Idk oo, a wig: P Enjoy!

Shut it, troll. said...

If I dress like a pirate (which quite often) I have the hair in messy bun, and thick with a red rubber band. It seems perfect.

Clothes if they wanted to be faithful to the story, but almost all women pirates disguised as men, and she lost her hair and leather. Mary Reed PIN people on earth with his sword, and then show her breasts just before the pain in his chest, so they know they were beaten by a woman.
But I think you want exactly what I want with the bun.

S x said...

Braids, ponytails. etc.

very afraid ...

Although there is a difference between the costume / real hackers and pirates.

I'm like a real pirate. Just do not bathe for a week, sunburned, dirty, starving, toothless, illiterate, and finally scurvy.

Sami<3 said...

down and make it look chaotic and Poofy.

just call me marylin monroe said...

Down and Dirty

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