Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mono More Condition_symptoms Is It Possible To Get Mono More Then Once In Your Life, In Particular Within A Years Time Period?

Is it possible to get mono more then once in your life, in particular within a years time period? - mono more condition_symptoms

I am almost 18 and was diagnosed last year with mono and was not treated, and finally was beautiful. My friend has just learned he has mono and has a rumor that someone may get more than one occasion, in his life. I asked myself whether this is true of preventing and / or in any way? I will not deal with this feeling repulsive monkey. ugh.

1 comment:

2 cents said...

Most people with infectious mononucleosis, or mono, you only get once. Rarely, however, of May mononucleosis for months or even years later. People is immune from infection by the virus mononucleosis. It is not even infected, even if many of the symptoms if they become infected.

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